I've been shooting a lot more film lately, almost as a way to stave off my desire to buy the latest and greatest digital cameras, but I've found a lot of joy in doing so. However, with film processing being quite expensive, I often find myself shooting my Leica M9-P at one ISO setting for entire days at a time, as a way to emulate shooting one type of film.
I've been told that the native ISO of the Leica M9's sensor is 160, and that at its native setting, a digital camera's sensor performs the best in terms of color reproduction and sharpness. As a result, I've been shooting at ISO 160 on my M9-P almost exclusively. I'm not sure if it's a placebo effect, but I've noticed that my photos coming out of the M9-P have been much more vibrant. In addition, black and white photos seem to have a bit more detail as well. Whatever it is, I'm not complaining.